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History of Swords
30th Century BC Swords
16th Century BC Swords
12th Century BC Swords
7th Century BC Swords
5th Century BC Swords
4th Century BC Swords
3rd Century BC Swords
1st Century AD Swords
3rd Century AD Swords
5th Century AD Swords
7th Century AD Swords
8th Century AD Swords
9th Century AD Swords
11th Century AD Swords
12th Century AD Swords
13th Century AD Swords
14th Century AD Swords
15th Century AD Swords
16th Century AD Swords
17th Century AD Swords
18th Century AD Swords
19th Century AD Swords
30th Century BC Swords
Swords Timeline
History of Arms and Armor
Arming Doublet
Ball and Chains
Barbute Helm
Barrel Helm
Bascinet Helm
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Bec de Corbin
Bow and Arrows
Burgonet Helm
Chain Weapon
Claymore Sword
Corinthian Helmet
Dussack Cutlass
Gladius Sword
Great Helm
Greek Helmets
Half Armor
Hand-and-a-Half Sword
Japanese Swords
Kastane Sword
Katana Sword
Kidney Dagger
Kris Knife
Lobster-Tail Helmet
Locking Gauntlet
Lorica Segmentata
Main Gauche
Maximilian Armor
Medieval Club
Medieval Maces
Melee Weapons
Morion Helmet
Morning Star
Nasal Helm
Pig-Faced Bascinet
Plate Armor
Pole Arm
Quilted Armor
Roman Helmets
Salet Helm
Scale Armor
Suit of Armor
Swiss Voulge
Sword Breaker
Two-Handed Sword
Urumi Sword
Viking Sword
Wakizashi Sword
Wallace Sword
War Hammer
Arms and Armor Glossary
- The Celtic Flame Dagger
- The Kings Dagger
- 15th Century Knights Suit of Armor
- 1st Century Brass Cuirass
- 2000 Questions and Answers About The Civil War
- 3 Tier Sword Stand
- 4-Point Rubber Ninja Throwing Star
- 50 B.C. Historical Early Roman Officers Armour Set
- 50" Red Oak Boken
- 60" Red Oak Boken
- 72" 6-Piece Set Rattan Boken
- 8-Point Rubber Ninja Throwing Star
- A Needle in the Right Hand of God
- African Tile Double Border
- African Tile Echo
- African Tile Rain
- African Tile Water
- American Eagle Pendant
- Ancestral Cross Pendant
- Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200 BC
- Ancient Greek Warship
- Ancient Siege Warfare
- Anglo-Saxon Thegn AD 449-1066
- Antique African Tile Sun
- Antique Book 10 CD Holder
- Archers Medieval Crossbow
- Armies of Ivan the Terrible
- Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265-146 BC
- Armor of Friedrich des Siegeichen
- Armor SCA Knights Templar Helmet
- Arrowhead Pendant
- Attila and the Nomad Hordes
- Baby Dragon Pendant with Beads
- Baby Dragon Skull
- Beaded Dragon Sword Pendant
- Bear Tracker Hunting Knife
- Black Braided Leather Ninja Sword - Elite
- Black Ninja Figurine
- Boars Head Banner
- Bone Ball
- Braided Leather Giant Samurai Sword - Elite
- Braided Leather Night Warrior Katana - Elite
- Braided Leather Ninja Sword - Elite
- Braided Leather Samurai Katana - Elite
- Braided Leather Samurai Tanto - Elite
- Braided Leather Samurai Wakizashi - Elite
- Brass GOOD LUCK DRAGONS - 1 pair
- Bronze Age War Chariots
- Buccaneers 1620-1700
- Byzantine Infantryman
- Cadwaller Dragon Banner
- Camelot Cross Pendant
- Campaigns of the Norman Conquest
- Carolingian Cavalryman AD 768-987
- Castle Keys
- Cat of Nine Tails Whip
- Cathar Castles
- Celtic Cross Banner
- Celtic Cross Pendant
- Celtic Cross Perfume Locket
- Celtic Dragon Banner
- Celtic Dragon Box and Cross Pendant Set
- Celtic Flame Sword
- Celtic Headhunter Skull
- Celtic High Cross
- Celtic Knot Pendant on black cord
- Celtic Knot Slave Bracelet
- Celtic Moon
- Celtic Spear
- Celtic Triangle Pin
- Celtic Wolf Perfume Locket
- Celtic Wolf Spirit Bottle
- Chain Mail Shirt (Hauberk) Riveted Aluminum
- Chainmail Coif Butted Steel Rings
- Chainmail Coif Riveted Flat Steel
- Chainmail Coif Riveted Steel
- Chainmail Hauberk (Shirt) Riveted Flat Steel
- Chainmail Hauberk (Shirt) Riveted Steel
- Chainmail Hauberk Butted Steel Rings
- Charging Kensei with Battle Flag
- Charging Knight on Horseback
- Charioteer Armour Display
- Charmed Celtic Necklace
- Chivalry and Command
- Civil War Battlefields and Landmarks
- Civil War On Sunday
- Claddaugh Perfume Locket
- Classical Bujutsu
- Coat of Arms Sword Hanger
- Confederate Infantryman 1861-65
- Costume Dragon Pouch
- Costume Skull Pouch
- Costume Vampire Pouch
- Crown Stag Damascus Dagger
- Crusader Castles in Cyprus, Greece and the Aegean 1191-1571
- Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1097-1192
- Crusader Castles in the Holy Land 1192-1302
- Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (2)
- Crusader Cross Pendant
- Crusader Knight on Guard
- Crusader Knight on Horseback
- Crystal Cross Sun Catcher
- Day of the Dragon-King
- Decorative 16th Century Suit of Armor Display
- Decorative Eagle Crest Suit of Armor Display
- Decorative Fleur De Lis Suit of Armor Display
- Decorative Flutted Closed Salet Suit of Armour Display
- Decorative Gothic Suit of Armour Display
- Decorative Lion Crest Suit of Armor Display
- Decorative Medieval Suit of Armor
- Decorative Suit of Armor Display
- Deluxe Wooden Helmet Stand
- Demon Vampire Skull
- Double Ball Flail
- Double Headed War Axe
- Double-Headed Dragon Axe Pendant
- Dragon Bones Photo Frame
- Dragon Crystal Sun Catcher
- Dragon Decorator Sword
- Dragon Fire Candleholder
- Dragon Goddess Pendant
- Dragon of the Red Dawn
- Dragon Pendant
- Dragon Pendant
- Dragon Pendant with Beads
- Dragon Scimitar
- Dragon Skeleton Incense Burner
- Dragonfire Castle Candle Holder
- Dueling Dragons Light Display
- Dussack Cutlass
- Dussack Knife
- Early Anubis Beast of the Tomb Resin Miniature
- Early Medieval Cross Pendant - Goldtone
- El Cid and the Reconquista 1050-1492
- English Medieval Knight 1200-1300
- European Barbute
- European Bascinet
- European Knights Halberd
- European Short Sword
- Eyewitness to the Civil War
- Fantasy Sword Pendant - Purple
- Fields of Honor
- Fighting Ships of the Far East (2)
- Fleur De Lis Bracelet
- Fleur De Lis Cross Pendant
- Fleur de Lys Sword Hanger
- Gallant Knight in Armour Banner
- Garden of Tranquility Tapestry
- Gentlemans Boot Knife
- German Hunting Sabre
- German Knights Halberds
- German Medieval Armies 1000-1300
- German Sallet Helm
- German Wald Sword
- Germanic Warrior AD 236-568
- Giant Fortress Keys
- Giant Medieval Antique Lion Door Knocker
- Goddess Sword
- Golden Warrior Ninja Sword
- Golden Warrior Samurai Sword
- Golden Warrior Samurai Tanto
- Golden Warrior Samurai Wakizashi
- Golden Warrior Short Samurai Sword
- Good Luck Dragon Pendant - Goldtone
- Good Luck Dragon Pendant Raised Relief
- Gothic Cross Pendant
- Gothic Dagger Letter Opener
- Great Griffin Banner
- Great Scottish Claymore Sword
- Greek Corinthian Helm
- Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC
- Green "Crystal Treasure Dragon" Resin Hand Painted Figurine
- Green Skullfire Dragon
- Grim Reaper Pendant
- Gyou Samurai Swordsman on Rampant Steed
- Heavy Armor Viking Winged Battle Ready Helm
- Helm of an Arena Gladiator
- Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416-53
- Highland Shield Pendant
- Hittite Warrior
- How to Be a Roman Soldier
- How to Be a Samurai Warrior
- Hungarian Hussar 1756-1815
- Hungary and the fall of Eastern Europe 1000-1568
- Imperial Chinese Armies (1)
- Imperial Chinese Armies (2)
- Imperial Eagle Dagger Letter Opener
- Imperial Roman Legionary AD 161-284
- Ironsides English Cavalry
- Italian Decorator Musketeer Sword
- Italian Knight with Polearm
- Italian Medieval Armies 1000-1300
- Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries
- Jeweled Celtic Knot
- Jeweled Excalibur Sword in Stone
- Jeweled Pewter Skull Sun Catcher
- Jeweled Wizard Pendant
- Key Box
- Kimono and the Colors of Japan
- King George's Army 1740-93 (2)
- Kings Court Dagger Letter Opener
- Knight of Outremer AD 1187-1344
- Knight with Jeweled Sword
- Knights Cross Pendant
- Knights Heavy Armor SCA Spangenhelm
- Knights Helm
- Knights War Axe
- Kriss Blade Boot Knife
- Large Blue Knight Figurine
- Large Dragon Skull
- Large Golden Knight Figurine
- Large Medieval Knight
- Large Roman Soldier Figurine
- Late Roman Cavalryman AD 236-565
- Late Roman Infantryman AD 236-565
- Leaf Blade Boot Knife
- London Clink Prison Dungeon Ball and Chain Leg Shackles
- Long Gladiator Skirt - Size S
- Long Gladiator Skirt - Size XL
- Louis XV's Army (1) Cavalry & Dragoons
- Macedonian Warrior - Alexander's elite infantryman
- Magic Unicorn Banner
- Magical Sun Catcher
- Maidens Slave Bracelet
- Matchlock Musketeer
- Medieval Armor Skull Helmet
- Medieval Bone Crusher Flail
- Medieval Catapult
- Medieval Celtic Large Knot
- Medieval Cross Pendant w/beads
- Medieval Garden Cross
- Medieval Holy Cross Pendant
- Medieval Knight in Armor
- Medieval Mace
- Medieval Russian Armies 1250-1500
- Medieval Scimitar Sword Large
- Medieval Skull Mace
- Medieval Spiked Battle Flail
- Medieval Spiked Skull Flail
- Medusa Snake Slave Bracelet
- Mega Dungeon Key Set
- Midnight Syndicate - Dungeons & Dragons
- Midnight Syndicate - The 13th Hour CD
- Miniature Pewter Knight with Shield
- Mongol Warrior 1200-1350
- Mongol Warrior Figurine
- Mounted Archers of the Steppe 600 BC-AD 1300
- Mycenaean Citadels c. 1350-1200 BC
- Mystic Dragon Pendant
- National Geographic Visual History of the World
- Nelson's Sailors
- New Kingdom Egypt
- Night of the Ninjas
- Norman Helm
- Norman Knight Figurine
- Norman Knight on Horseback
- Norman Viking Helm
- Odachi Samurai Sword - Elite
- Pewter English Knight on Horseback
- Pewter English Pike Warrior
- Pewter Finish Dragon Sword Pendant
- Pewter Gothic Knight with Sword
- Pewter Italian Knight with Halberd
- Pewter Italian Medieval Knight with Sword
- Pewter Knight on Horseback
- Pewter Knight on Horseback
- Pewter Knight with Crossbow
- Pewter Knight with Mace
- Pewter Medieval Knight with Sword
- Pewter Miniature 15th Century Italian Calvary Knight
- Pewter Miniature Cavalry Knight Figurine with Sword
- Pewter Miniature Cavalry Knight with Lance
- Pewter Miniature Cavalry Knight with Mace
- Pewter Miniature Cavalry Knight with Sword
- Pewter Miniature Cavalry Knight with Sword
- Pewter Miniature Italian Cavalry Knight with Halberd
- Pirate Cutlass
- Pirate Flag
- Pirate of the Far East 811-1639
- Pirate Skull Shield
- Pirates
- Pirates 1660-1730
- Pirates Past Noon
- Polish Winged Hussar 1576-1775
- Precise Damascus Skinner
- Premium Point Damascus Hunter Knife
- Primeval Skull Pendant
- Privateers & Pirates 1730-1830
- Purple "Dragon of Dreams" Resin Hand Painted Figurine
- Rampant Knight Banner
- Red Watch Dragon
- Regal Knight in Armour
- Renaissance Bouquet Tapestry
- Richard The Lionheart Banner
- Roman Decorator Sword
- Roman Gladius Sword
- Roman Military Clothing (1)
- Roman Military Clothing (2)
- Roman Military Clothing (3)
- Rome and the Barbarians
- Rome's Enemies (1) Germanics and Dacians
- Rome's Enemies (5) The Desert Frontier
- Rome's Northern Frontier AD 70-235
- Royal Decorator Sword
- Royal Griffin Dagger Letter Opener
- Russian Grenadiers and Infantry 1799-1815
- Samurai - The World of the Warrior
- Samurai 1550-1600
- Samurai Akira
- Samurai Commanders (1)
- Samurai Warrior Challenger
- Samurai Warrior Ren
- Samurai Warrior Spirit
- Samurai Warrior Sword Hanger
- Samurai Warrior Sword Hanger
- San Fernando Sword
- Saracen Strongholds AD 630-1050
- Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642
- Scottish Sgian Dubh
- Scourge of the Seas
- Set of 3 Bone Balls
- Shinai Kendo Bamboo Practice Sword
- Shira-Saya Katana
- Sinbad Scimitar
- Skull & Crossbones Ashtray or Accessory Tray
- Skull and Bones Gift Set
- Skull of Doom
- Skull of Good Fortune
- Skull Trinket Keeper or Ashtray
- Small Cat of Nine Tails Whip
- Soldier of the Pharaoh
- Sorcerer's Sword
- Soul of Samurai Wakizashi
- Spanish Galleon 1530-1690
- Stag Damascus Sporting Knife
- Stag Fury Sporting Knife
- Stag Pro Hunter Knife
- Stag Sword Hanger - Bronze Finish
- Stag Sword Hanger - Pewter Finish
- Stage Steel Close Combat Dagger
- Stage Steel Double-Handed Broadsword
- Stage Steel Giant O'dachi Sword
- Stage Steel Pirate Cutlass
- Stage Steel Reverse Blade Katana
- Stage Steel Roman Gladius Sword
- Stage Steel Samurai Katana with Sheath
- Stage Steel Single-Handed Broadsword
- Stage Steel Single-Handed Short Sword
- Stage Steel Tai Chi Training Sword
- Stage Steel Viking Short Sword
- Steel Great Scottish Claymore Sword
- Steel Hilt Crusader Sword
- Steel Hilt Knights Ring Dagger
- Sterling Silver Celtic Cross Pendant
- Sterling Silver Celtic Triad Earrings
- Sterling Silver Claddaugh Embracing Heart Charm
- Sterling Silver ''Forever'' Celtic Knot Earrings
- Sterling Silver Medieval Cross Toggle Bracelet
- Sterling Silver Renaissance Earrings
- Sterling Silver Scarab Pendant
- Sterling Silver Traditional Circle Claddaugh Charm
- Sterling Silver Triple Axe Medallion
- Studded Black Leather Arm Bracer
- Studded Black Leather Leg Bracers
- Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon Helm
- Swirled 4-Point Rubber Ninja Throwing Star
- Templar Sword
- Terra Cotta Warriors
- Teutonic Knight 1190-1561
- The Age of Charlemagne
- The American Civil War
- The Ancient Greeks
- The Army of Alexander the Great
- The Arts of the Muslim Knight
- The Biblical World
- The Celtic Combat Sword
- The Celtic Norse Sword
- The Champion Knight
- The Civil War Soldier
- The Civil War: Strange and Fascinating Facts
- The Confederate Army 1861-65 (1)
- The Confederate Army 1861-65 (2)
- The Confederate Army 1861-65 (4)
- The Confederate Army 1861-65 (5)
- The Confederate Army 1861-65 (6)
- The Conquistadores
- The Cossacks 1799-1815
- The Crusader Sword
- The Crusader Wall Cross
- The Demon Slayer Sword
- The Dragons Castle Sculpture
- The Forts of Judaea 168 BC-AD 73
- The Giant Great German Landsknechte Flamberge Sword
- The Great Wall of China 221 BC-AD 1644
- The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 BC
- The Guardian of the Future Gargoyle
- The Hun
- The Irish Wars 1485-1603
- The Jacobite Rebellions 1689-1745
- The Knight at Dawn
- The Knights Ring Dagger
- The Knights Swordbreaker Dagger
- The Knights Thrusting Dagger
- The Moors
- The Mycenaeans c.1650-1100 BC
- The Persian Army 560-330 BC
- The Pirate Ship 1660-1730
- The Praetorian Guard
- The Samurai
- The Samurai and the Sacred
- The Sarmatians 600 BC-AD 450
- The Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100-1500
- The Scythians 700-300 BC
- The Spanish Main 1492-1800
- The Spartan Army
- The Swiss at War 1300-1500
- The Thracians 700 BC-AD 46
- The Trojan Sword of Destiny
- The Vampire Sword
- The Walls of Rome
- The Warlord Sword
- The Wars of the Roses
- The William Wallace Claymore Sword
- The Wizard Figurine
- Tizona Del Cid Decorator Sword
- Tower Guards Crossbow
- Toyotomi Hideyoshi Samurai Figurine
- Tudor Warships (1)
- Ulrich IX Jousting Suit of Armour
- Vampire Cross
- Vampire Dagger Letter Opener
- Victorian Brooch
- Viking Chieftain Sword
- Viking Helmet
- Viking Ships at Sunrise
- Viking Thor's Hammer
- Viking Torque Bracelet
- Viking Warrior on Horseback
- Visored Helmet
- War Club
- War Hammer
- War Sword
- Wearable Medieval Blued Full Suit of Armor
- Wearable Medieval Full Suit of Armor
- White Knight
- Wood Samurai Practice Sword (Bokken)
- Young Troopers Sword
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