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18th Century AD Swords
Swords History - 18th Century AD
Bilbo Sword - Bilbo was a type of 16th century, cut-and-thrust sword that was noted for its temper and flexibility. The sword originated in northern Spain city Bilboa that was famous for its well made sword blades.
Khyber Knife - Khyber Knife was the national sword of tribes living near the Khyber Pass which is the mountain pass between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Khyber Knife features a one-edged and straight blade that is between 14 to 30 inches in length. The blade has T-like shape at the opposite end of the sharpened edge. The blade is the widest at the base of the hilt and it tapers gradually towards the point. The hilt is very knife-like. It covers a flat tang and the handle is usually made of two pieces of bone, ivory or horn. The pommel is rather small and it curves slightly towards the blade.
Shashka - Shashka is a very sharp, single-edged and single handed sabre that was developed by mountain tribes living in the Northwest Caucasus region. The sabre shares characteristics of a sword and a sabre. The weapon featured a slightly wider and curved blade, a large curved pommel and no hand-guard. The blade of the Shashka was double or triple fullered. The scabbard was made of wood and both, the sabre and the scabbard were highly decorated with ornate designs, golden and silver engravings and inlaid gemstones. The sabre was adopted by the Russians during their conquest of the Caucasus. The sabre was also used by the Russian and Ukrainian Kossacks.
Spadroon Sword - Spadroon was a cut-and-thrust type sword that featured a straight blade with single or double edge. The sword was very light and it was very popular among military and navy officers at the end of 18th century. The sword featured a wide fuller at the center of the blade. The hilt featured “five-ball” knuckle-guard and counter-guard. The “five-ball” was a decorative feature and it consisted of five balls that were molded into the knuckle-guard or counter-guard, or both. The size of the balls increased from one side towards the middle and then decreased again. The Spadroon sword spread from England into France and the United States.
Quaddara Sword - Quaddara is a version of a Persian broadsword that looks just like a kindjal but with much longer blade. The sword had a straight and double-edged blade that was up to 29 inches in length. The blade often had etched or inlaid ornamental patterns or inscriptions. The hilt was made of black horn.
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The Vampire Sword
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