The Arts of the Muslim Knight

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The Arab tradition of al-furusiyya is defined by principles of horsemanship, chivalry, and the mutual dependence of man and horse. This publication presents half of the Furusiyya Art Foundation's entire collection, which includes Islamic art relating to the Muslim chevalier from the eighth, ninth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. The collection includes a number of cane shields, archery material, armor for man and horse, sword pommels, guards and sabers, as well as daggers and belts carried by the courtly chevaliers. Describing the artistry and beauty of the antique pieces, the focus narrows in on the use of decoration and great craftsmanship, the technological innovations that were developed, as well as looking at the different cultures of the Islamic world. Item #11014

Author: Bashir Mohamed
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 416
ISBN: 9788876248771

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