Timothy Dawson

Dr Timothy Dawson gained his PhD in Classics (Byzantine Studies) from the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia in 2003. He has lectured for many years on Byzantine, Greek and Roman armies. He has also written extensively on this period. He is currently editor of 'Medieval History Magazine' and is a keen reenactor, particularly of the medival European period. Timothy operated Australia's first historical European combat school, Amyna (Greek for 'defence'), near Sydney from 1984 to 1987, and in 1985 published a training manual embodying techniques practiced at that time. Through the 1980s and 1990s Timothy was also known as one of Australia's finest makers of swords and other military equipment. This activity embodied and informed his research and teaching in both arms and armour and combat. Since then he has gone on to be internationally recognised academically as an expert on certain forms of arms and armour. He lives in Leeds, UK